The making of a man who struggles with God

September 24

I'm suddenly fully immersed in my new Impact program. [As part of Bible School we were each required to volunteer at outreaches of our choice.] On Tuesday I came home expecting to be going to see X-men with my friend and my Mom told by the Impact Coordinator had just phoned and the training for my ministry started that night. When I got there I realized the ladies who run it weren't expecting me (they'd already interviewed everyone else). I had the interview today, which was encouraging. The lady who'll be my boss is a Messianic Jew/Pentecostal with Anglican and Occult background. I look forward to some good conversations with her. The other interesting thing that happened today was when I got off the bus downtown an old drunk man sitting on a planter asked me if I had any money for busses or food. I said I had no money (true) but I could give him a bus ticket. He thanked me, shook my hand and tried to stand up, but he sort of slumped to the ground. He said it's alright, it happened all the time, so I was like "Ok, see ya," and walked off. When I came back an hour later an ambulance was just pulling away from that exact spot. The circumstantial evidence would seem to indicate that the guy never got up, and somebody called an ambulance. It was just kind of weird to meet this guy, shake his hand, and then think maybe he was taken to the hospital, sick or dead. Crazy.

- Jacob


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