The making of a man who struggles with God

October 16

I'm 2 days into a 3 day evangelism seminar at Bible School. It's really good - not a lot of stuff I didn't know, but it's good to hear and good to be challenged. In the afternoons we've been sent out to universities to do spiritual surveys and hopefully strike up conversations with people. It's been an excellent experience. I have been surprised by how open most people are to talking about spiritual things. A lot of people seem almost eager to share their opinions, and many are equally eager to hear mine. I've had about 3 really good talks so far (by my count). Today I got to just lay down the gospel according to Jacob to this one guy. It was really exciting. It can be a little discouraging to open doors like that with people and then be like "Thanks, bye" and disappear from their life forever. I just remind myself that the Spirit is at work in their lives, and I'm just one part of that. What happens to them later - whether they become Christians or not - is between them and God. I just praise God for the privilege of being a part of that process. It's incredible. By the way, the fast is coming up, I'm fairly sure. I'm hoping to talk to a teacher tomorrow, and then I think I'm ready to just do it.

This evangelism thing was a significant point in my life. I'd always supposed that non-Christians were either unwilling to talk about spiritual things or had some secret, selfish motives for rejecting Christianity. It was unsettling to talk to people who seemed to be sincerely seeking God and yet didn't seem to be headed towards Christianity. They also raised some questions in my mind that I couldn't easily shrug off.

- Jacob


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