The making of a man who struggles with God

The End of the Beginning

So that's the end of my Bible School journal. I feel like I should wrap it up somehow, but I'm not really sure what to say. I guess I'd just like to thank you for reading this blog, if indeed you have. I really have no grasp of how interesting or useful this is to anyone else. Hopefully you could relate to my journey at certain points. Hopefully I said something you needed to hear. If nothing else, I feel like I've benefited from re-reading and re-thinking my experiences.

The Bible School I attended (which for some reason I've cryptically referred to as just "Bible School") was Mount Carmel in Edmonton, Canada. I'm not sure what impression you've formed of the place, but I loved it. As this journal indicates, Carmel is a big part of why I am who I am today. (But don't let that scare you off - I think I'm an anomaly.) If you're considering attending Bible School, if you want to discuss anything I've written here, or if you just want to chat, you can e-mail me by clicking the "My Profile" link in the sidebar. (If you know me and we haven't talked in a while you should definitely e-mail me.)

I think that's all I have to say.

Goodnight, you princes of Maine, you kings of New England.

- Jacob


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